資料編號: | HK-1386 |
中文名稱: | 琴葉紫菀 |
學名: | Aster panduratus [找同屬植物] |
英文名稱: | Paincled Aster |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | ASTERACEAE菊科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | ASTERACEAE菊科[找同科] |
生長習性: | 草本 |
原生/外來: | 香港原生植物 |
圖片花色: | white |
特別特徵: | 舌狀花約30朵 |
資料更新: | 20240512 12:57:35 pm |
備註: GBIF: Aster panduratus is syn of Metamyriactis panduratus FOHK VOL. 3 P.316 Basal rosette leaves lacking at anthesis - A. panduratus 琴葉紫菀 Basal rosette leaves persist at anthesis - A. striatus 香港紫菀 兩者都是葉抱莖,只差花期時還有沒有蓮座狀的葉存在才可以判斷出兩者. 香港紫菀座蓮狀基生葉花期宿存 琴葉紫菀座蓮狀基生葉花期不宿存 深圳植物誌: 多年生草本。 根莖粗壯;莖直立,高0.5-1m,被進行的長硬毛,常有腺點,上部有分枝。 莖下部葉花期凋萎或存在,葉片匙狀長橢圓形,長達12cm,寬達2.5cm,基部漸狹,具長柄,莖中部葉葉片長圓狀匙形,長4-9cm,寬1.5- 2.5cm,下部略狹,基部擴大成心形或耳形,半抱莖,邊緣全緣或有疏齒,先端急尖或鈍有小尖頭,莖上部葉葉片漸小,卵狀長圓形 ,基部心形,半抱莖,兩面被貼伏的長柔毛和密短柔毛,有腺點,背面沿脈及邊緣被長柔毛,中脈在背面凸起,側脈不明顯。 頭狀花序直徑2-2.5cm,在莖上排成疏散的傘房花序狀的聚繖花序;花序梗長0.5-3(-5)cm;苞片葉條狀披針形或卵形;總 苞鐘形,長約5mm,寬6-8mm;總苞片3層,長橢圓狀披針形,外層草質,長2-3mm,寬約0.7mm,密被短毛及腺點,邊緣膜 質,內層中部草質,邊緣膜質,長4-8mm,寬約1mm;舌狀花約30朵,舌片淺紫色,長約8mm,寬1-2mm;管狀花長約4mm,花冠黃色 ,被密短柔毛,簷部具5裂齒。 瘦果長橢圓形,長約2mm,基部狹,被柔毛;冠毛白色或稍紅色,長約4mm,其上被稍不等長的微糙毛。 花期:2-10月。 果期:2-10月。 FoHK Perennial erect herb, 30–150 cm tall, branched on upper part, ribbed, strigose villose and glandular throughout. Lower leaves usually withered (枯萎的) at anthesis(開花期), pandurate or spatulate‑oblong, 5–8 × 1.5–2.5 cm; middle leaves pandurate to oblong, 3–6 × 1–1.5 cm, base cordate or auriculate, sessile and subamplexicaul, apex acute or obtuse, margin entire; those on the flowering branches smaller, ovate‑oblong, base cordate and amplexicaul, margin entire. All leaves hispid or pilose along veins and margin, glandular. Capitula 1.2–1.8 cm across, terminal to shoots, solitary or forming loose corymbose clusters; peduncles 0.5–6 cm, densely pubescent or pilose, with linear‑lanceolate or ovate bract subtending the head. Involucres hemispherical; phyllaries 3‑seriate, oblong‑lanceolate; outermost herbaceous, 3 mm, apex acute, pubescent; middle and inner ones 4 mm and 5 mm respectively, apex and midvein herbaceous, margin scarious. Receptacle chaffy. Marginal ligulate florets about 18–30, pale purple to white, corolla tube 1.5 mm, limb 5–8 mm. Disk tubular florets greenish yellow or yellow, 3 mm including lobe of 1 mm, hairy. Cypselae brown, obovate, 1.5–2 mm, ribbed along sides, puberulous. Pappus 3 mm, white to reddish. | |
如資料有任何錯誤,歡迎聯絡本會. info@hkcww.org | |
6-1386f | |
5-1386e | |
4-1386d | |
3-1386c | |
2-1386b | |
1-1386a 舌狀花約30朵 | |