資料編號: | HK-2038 |
中文名稱: | 香港薹草 |
中文別名: | 顯柱薹草 |
學名: | Carex ligata [找同屬植物] |
異名: | Carex hongkongensis |
英文名稱: | Sedge Turf |
英文別名: | Stylose Sedge |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | CYPERACEAE莎草科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | CYPERACEAE莎草科[找同科] |
生長習性: | 草本 |
原生/外來: | 香港原生植物 |
資料更新: | 20230506 10:37:36 pm |
備註: 中國植物誌: 根狀莖短。稈側生。高25-50厘米,纖細,鈍三棱形,平滑,基部葉鞘暗褐色,撕裂成纖維狀。葉長於稈,寬4-6毫米,平張,上面及邊緣粗糙,灰綠色,堅挺。苞片短葉狀,鞘紫色,鞘長1-2厘米。小穗3-4個,遠離,頂生小穗雄性,線形,長3-5厘米,寬約1毫米;小穗柄長3.5-5.5厘米;側生小穗雌性,圓柱形,長1-2厘米,寬3-4毫米,花稍密或近二列排列;小穗柄纖細,長1.5-3.5厘米。雄花鱗片長圓形,頂端圓形,長約3毫米,紫色,具白色膜質邊緣;雌花鱗片倒卵狀長圓形,頂端鈍圓,長約2.7毫米,黃綠色,邊緣白色膜質,背面1-3條脈,綠色,中脈明顯。果囊長於鱗片,菱狀紡綞形,三棱形,長4-4.2毫米,膜質,上部被微毛,具多條脈,基部具短柄,先端漸狹成喙,喙長1毫米,喙口具2齒。小堅果緊包於果囊中,菱形,三棱形,長約2.7毫米,頂端具一白色短圓柱狀的喙,頂面稍凹陷,頸長0.2-0.3毫米,三個棱面中部凸出成腰狀,上下凹入,基部具短柄,柄長約0.3毫米;花柱基部膨大,柱頭3個。花果期2-3月。 產安徽、福建、廣東;生於林下陰處。模式標本採自香港。 FOHK: Rhizome short and woody. Culms borne in leave axils, erect, 25–40 cm tall, slender, obtusely trigonous, smooth, basal sheaths dark brown and split into fibers. Leaves longer than the culm, 3–5 mm wide, flat, abaxial surface slightly scabrid, margins scabrid, papery. Bracts leafy, 2–3 cm, shorter than the subtended spikes; sheath brownish to greenish, 0.5–1 cm. Spikes 3–4, remote and ± regularly spaced on the stem; male spike terminal, narrowly cylindrical, 3–4 cm, ca. 1 – 1.3 mm thick, peduncle 3–4 cm; pistillate spikes lateral, cylindrical, 1–2 cm × 3.5–4 mm, spikelets 10–40, rather densely distributed on spikes, peduncle 1.5–2.5 cm, slender. Male glumes oblong, apex rounded, 2.4–2.9 × 1–1.3 mm, lower margins clasping the spike rachis to almost amplexicaul, pale greenish with broad hyaline margin and green midrib. Female glumes obovate-oblong, apex acute to obtuse, 2.2–2.8 mm, greenish with broad hyaline margin and 1–3 green midribs. Utricles longer than the glumes, rhombic, trigonous, 3–3.3 mm, membranous, puberulent above, many-veined, base cuneate with short stipe, upper part cuspidate into a beak 0.3–0.4 mm, orifice 2-toothed. Achene tightly enveloped, rhombic, trigonous, 2.1–2.4 mm; upper part of the achene form into a ivory-coloured stout, cylindrical crown 0.3–0.4 mm, shallowly concave at top; faces slightly depressed to excavated at both the upper and lower part, middle of achene raised into angle longitudinally, base attenuate into a stipe ca. 0.2 mm; style base thickened; stigmas 3. Locality: Pok Fu Lam, Ma On Shan, Tai Mo Shan, Sunset Peak. S. C. Ng 1233, 2916; HK sheet 42104. Distribution: Guangdong, Fujian. Ecology: Hillside and ravine forests, alt. 300–700 m. Fruiting: Mar.–May. Notes: The syntype specimens (Harland 790 ex parte; C. Wright 8, 78, 79, & 602; Wilford 263, all deposited at K) were collected from Hong Kong. FRPS also mentioned this species distributed in Anhui province. The author had examined the Anhui specimen at PE (S. W. Su 87033), and found it very different from the above type specimens with respect to its achene and male spikelet. | |
如資料有任何錯誤,歡迎聯絡本會. info@hkcww.org | |
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