資料編號: | HK-2445 |
中文名稱: | 短葉省藤 |
中文別名: | 澤生藤_省藤 |
學名: | Calamus egregius [找同屬植物] |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | ARECACEAE棕櫚科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | ARECACEAE棕櫚科[找同科] |
生長習性: | 攀援棕櫚 |
原生/外來: | 香港原生植物 |
特別特徵: | 枝幹有刺 |
資料更新: | 20220721 06:03:47 pm |
備註: Harvard University Herbaria & Libraries / 標本圖參考 FOHK: Climbing rattan. Stems clustered, to 30 m or longer. Leaves pinnate, pinnae 2–3-clustered in alternate groups[葉羽狀,披針形2-3簇生, 互生, 披針形], lanceolate, 10–23 × 2–3 cm, margins bristly; rachis [軸長] 0.85–1.5 m long, with single recurved spines abaxially, apex of leaf rachis elongate to a whip-like cirri with clawed spines; sheath whitish green with flattened, 1–2 cm long spines and brown hairs, ocreas 1.5–5 cm, split, knees present, flagella absent. Inflorescences branched to 2 orders, 0.25–1 m long, not flagellate; prophylls tubular, 2-ridged laterally, with scattered, short spines, rachillae 2–4 cm long. Notes: According to Dunn and Tutcher (1912), Calamus latifolius is present in Hong Kong, but the voucher specimens (W. J. Tutcher 4678, 8473), rather poor and without fruits, are here temporarily determined as Calamus egregius, and further material is necessary before its status can be settled. The species was reported as Calamus palustris Griff. previously (Check List HK Plants 294. 2002; 104. 2004). FOC: Stems clustered, climbing, to 50 m, 3-5 cm in diam. Leaf sheaths yellowish green with brown hairs, with scattered, brownish, flattened spines to 2 cm; ocreas to 10 cm, disintegrating; knees conspicuous; flagella absent[鞭毛不存在]; rachis to 1.5 m [刺可長達1.5米] with to 20 lanceolate pinnae per side [每邊有20披針形的耳廓], these clustered in alternate groups of 2 or 3; middle pinnae 10-17 cm, 2-3 cm wide at mid-point, margins bristly; cirri to 1 m. Inflorescences to 1 m, not flagellate; inflorescence bracts tubular. Fruits brown, ovoid, to 2 × 1.6 cm, stalked, scales grooved. 中國植物誌: 攀援藤本,帶鞘莖粗1-1.3厘米。葉羽狀全裂,頂端延伸為具爪纖鞭;羽片每2(-3)片成組著生於葉軸兩側,披針形,長10-17厘米,寬2-3厘米,兩面綠色,邊緣被微刺,先端漸尖,被長而密的剛毛,基部稍狹,有4-5條葉脈,橫脈明顯;葉軸背面具單生下彎的刺;葉柄長8.5-18厘米,邊緣具扁平的、略白色的長3-6毫米的直刺;葉鞘具囊狀凸起,被稍密的扁平、略呈白色的長10-15毫米的刺;托葉鞘短,長約1.5厘米,卵形。雄花序及雌花序未見。果序長25-32厘米,果序梗長7.5厘米,具細的平展或下彎的刺;一級佛焰苞管狀,上部稍膨大,頂端三角形,撕裂;二級佛焰苞及小佛焰苞與一級佛焰苞同形,但小些,略為漏斗形,邊緣具纖毛;分枝花序3個,每分枝上有小果穗2-5個,長2-4厘米,其上著生2-5個果實;果實著生於小佛焰苞上方;總苞托短杯狀;花萼基部圓筒形,長3毫米,頂端裂片卵形或三角形;花冠裂片三角形,稍短於花萼。果被明顯梗狀;果實卵球形,長1.5-2厘米,直徑約1.6厘米,頂端有長2毫米的喙,鱗片(18-)20縱列,草黃色,邊緣暗褐色,中央具溝槽。種子卵形,胚乳深嚼爛狀,胚基生。果期7月。 | |
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