資料編號: | HK-3324 |
中文名稱: | 日本杜英 |
中文別名: | 薯豆(FOC) |
學名: | Elaeocarpus japonicus [找同屬植物] |
異名: | Elaeocarpus yunnanensis |
英文名稱: | Japanese Elaeocarpus |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | ELAEOCARPACEAE杜英科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | ELAEOCARPACEAE杜英科[找同科] |
生長習性: | 喬木 |
原生/外來: | 香港原生植物 |
圖片花色: | white_yellow_green |
資料更新: | 20200515 09:24:05 pm |
備註: 市區超常誤認品種 枝葉初出有被毛而後漸無毛,成熟葉背無毛。 葉柄長 2-6cm,葉基圓鈍至寬楔(沒下延),葉緣疏鈍齒,側脈6-8對,葉背小脈明顯,具微小的黑色腺點。 thanks Crawford's info Refer to Daniel's facebook: 葉初時上下兩面密被銀灰色絹毛,很快變禿淨, 老葉上面深綠色,發亮,幹後仍有光澤,下面無毛,有多數細小黑腺點;邊緣有疏鋸齒;葉柄長2-6釐米,初時被毛,不久完全禿淨。 Ref: 葉初時下兩被銀灰色絹毛圖 FOC: Leaf blade 3-6 cm wide, lateral veins (6-)8 per side, petiole 2-6 cm.--日本杜英 Elaeocarpus japonicus Leaf blade 2-3 cm wide, lateral veins 4-6 per side, petiole 1.5-2 cm.--中華杜英_野杜英 Elaeocarpus chinensis 深圳植物誌: 喬木,高4-10m;枝條無毛。葉生於當年生枝上;葉柄長1.5-5cm,無毛;葉片橢圓形、披針形或狹長圓形,革質,長6-12cm,寬2-5cm,幼嫩時兩面疏被白色絹狀毛,成長葉無毛,下面有黑色小腺點,上面有光澤,基部寬楔形或近圓形,邊緣有疏鈍齒,先端漸尖或急尖,側脈每邊6-8條。總狀花序生於當年生枝葉腋或二年生枝已落葉的葉腋處,長5-6cm,有數朵至10數朵花;花序梗長0.7-1cm,與花序軸和花梗均被微柔毛;花梗長4-5mm;花雜性(兩性花和雄花);兩性花:萼片5,卵狀披針形,長約4mm,兩面均被短柔毛;花瓣5,白色,長圓形,與萼片近等長,兩面均被短柔毛,基部微收窄,先端近全緣或淺裂;花盤5深裂,每裂片再有1淺裂,被絹狀毛;雄蕊15枚,長約3mm,花絲甚短,長不及1mm,花藥密被短柔毛,先端無刺;子房密被絹狀毛,3室,每室2胚珠,花柱長約3mm,下部被絹狀毛;雄花:萼片和花瓣均5或6,形狀與兩性花的相似;雄蕊9-14;退化子房很小或無。核果橢圓體形,長1-1.3cm,直徑5-8mm,表面光滑,無毛,內果皮有不規則的溝隙和3條直的縱溝。花期:4-5月。果期:7-8月。 FOHK: Tree, to 25 m tall. Branchlets glabrous. Buds sericeous. Petioles 2– 6 cm; leaf blade varied in shape and size, often ovate, sometimes elliptic, obovate, or lanceolate to narrowly oblong, 6–12(–17) × 3–6 cm, leathery, base rounded or obtuse, acute, or broadly cuneate, apex acuminate or acute, margin sparsely dentate, both surfaces densely silvery-grey-sericeous at first, glabrescent, black glandular-punctate abaxially; lateral veins 5– 8 pairs. Racemes axillary, 3– 6 cm. Flowers polygamous. Pedicels 3– 4 mm, puberulous. Bisexual flowers: sepals oblong, ca. 4 mm, pubescent on both surfaces. Petals oblong, as long as sepals, entire or incised, pubescent on both surfaces or only on abaxial surface. Stamens 15; anthers ca. 2 mm, without awns at apex, puberulous. Disc 5- or 10-lobed. Ovary pubescent, 3‑locular; style ca. 3 mm, pubescent. Male flowers: stamens 9 –12; pistillodes present or not. Drupe ellipsoid, 1–1.3 × ca. 0.8 cm, shiny, with 3 ventral sutures; seed 1, ca. 8 mm. | |
如資料有任何錯誤,歡迎聯絡本會. info@hkcww.org | |
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