資料編號: | HK-3662 |
中文名稱: | 中華星穗莎 |
學名: | Actinoschoenus aphyllus [找同屬植物] | [完整學名] |
異名: | Actinoschoenus chinensis |
英文名稱: | Chinese Fimbristylis |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | CYPERACEAE莎草科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | CYPERACEAE莎草科[找同科] |
生長習性: | 多年生草本 |
原生/外來: | 香港原生植物 |
資料更新: | 20220828 11:14:16 am |
備註: FOHK: Perennial. Culms tufted, 15–40 cm tall, triquetrous, slender, with 2 sheaths at base. Leaves basal, reduced to bladeless sheath. Sheath brown, with prominent ribes, margin membranous and darker. Involucral bracts subulate, shorter than inflorescence, soon reflexed and hidden by inflorescence. Inflorescence capitate. Spikelets 1–2(–6), lanceolate, 6–8 × 0.5–2 mm, few-flowered. Glumes 5–7, lower ones distichous, lowest 3 without flowers, uppermost one with sterile flower, variable in shape and size, smaller upward, semiorbicular, broadly ovate or oblong-ovate, 0.25–2 mm, membranous, brown, glabrous, 3-veined, apex mucronate. Stamens 3; anthers linear. Style slender, base enlarged; stigmas 3. Achenes cream-coloured to light brownish, obovoid, 1–1.2 mm, trigonous, smooth to verruculose and indistinctly reticulate. | |
如資料有任何錯誤,歡迎聯絡本會. info@hkcww.org | |
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