資料編號: | HK-455 |
中文名稱: | 大葉南洋杉_塔杉 |
學名: | Araucaria bidwillii [找同屬植物] |
英文名稱: | Bunya bunya |
植物科名: (APG新系統) | ARAUCARIACEAE南洋杉科 [找同科植物] |
標室舊系統 | ARAUCARIACEAE南洋杉科[找同科] |
生長習性: | 喬木 |
原生/外來: | 外來植物 |
特別特徵: | 裸子植物 |
資料更新: | 20220721 05:51:46 pm |
備註: 古樹名木有記載 FOC: Trees to 50 m tall; trunk to 1 m d.b.h.; bark dark gray-brown, thick, flaking; crown pyramidal; branchlets dense, pendulous, green, glabrous. Leaves radially spreading, bright green, lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate, or triangular-ovate, flattened, slighty incurved, hard, thick, leathery, lacking a midvein but with numerous, parallel, thin veins, stomatal lines abaxial; leaves of same year dimorphic: those of young trees and vegetative branchlets longer (0.7-2.8 cm) and more loosely arranged than those of old trees and cone-bearing branchlets, those at middle of branchlets 2.5-6.5 cm, apex acuminate or acute. Pollen cones axillary, solitary, cylindric. Seed cones ovoid-subglobose, ca. 30 × 22 cm; bracts oblong-elliptic or oblong-ovate, margin relatively thick, wingless, apex triangular, reflexed; seed scales thickened, exposed at apex. Seeds elongate-elliptic, wingless. Pollination Jun, seed maturity after autumn of 3rd year. Cultivated. Fujian (Fuzhou Shi), Guangdong, Guangxi (Nanning Shi), S Yunnan (Mengla Xian) [native to NE Australia] | |
如資料有任何錯誤,歡迎聯絡本會. info@hkcww.org | |
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